Help ‼️ I’m having family problems and I don’t know what to do ☹️

Okay so.... my 13 year old little brother has been have a big attitude problem lately. He gives my mom so attitude like you won’t believe. He get upset if my mom tells him to come home at 5:00pm on the weekends and my mom doesn’t allow him to go out on the weekdays (school night). My sister and I follow that rule, and we have no issue with it because we have homework and it’s a good time to try to get work done early so I can chill. He has snuck out over five times and he has been caught every single time but my mom covers for him from my dad because he is a tough strict guy. You wouldn’t want to face him when you’re in trouble. He doesn’t hit us or anything, he just calls us names, degrades us and we just don’t want to face getting our privileges taken away. I also found out he’s smoking weed! I’m not against marijuana and I don’t judge. It just surprises me that my baby brother is smoking pot and thinking how my mom would react is devastating. Her thinking of us doing drugs, including smoking pot is the one thing that would kill her if she ever found out. I plan on trying out myself when I turn 18 or when I move out (I’m 17 and I’m probably not gonna like it anyways). He didn’t have to tell me that he smoked pot, I could tell right away he did. I confronted him the first time he did and he said he’d never do it again. Then weeks later, guest room smells like pot and I see my brother trying to cover it with cologne which made the smell worse and obvious. Luckily my mom and my sister wasn’t home to see this and smell. He was trying to convince me that he wasn’t smoking pot but I knew he was. Later that night, he showed me where he hid his pot. Next night, I threw it away. I told him I did it and he got mad at me. I didn’t care, i didn’t want him to smoke pot. But that didn’t stop him and he was all like “I’m old enough to make my own decisions. I can do whatever I want” I was like…

HE IS A FUCKKNG PRETEEN GUYS!! He hasn’t even grown a fucking puberty-stache 😂 Jesus... and recently my mom found a condom in his pants and told me. She wasn’t mad and my dad wasn’t either when she told him. She just told my dad to have “the talk” with him. Earlier today, I told him about the condom thing and I asked if he was gonna have sex. He said yes and I asked if he was dating and he said he was. I asked him when did he get a new gf and he said he doesn’t even know. Then he changes to “oh I just have that for an emergency” meaning in case when he’s about to get laid!! I told that I think he’s too young to do this. And he compared the times my bf and I started getting touchy when we were 15 (over 5 months into the relationship) and when we lost our virginity when we were 16 (2 years into the relationship). The big major difference is he is going too fucking fast with this relationship of his. I didn’t get intimate with my bf out of nothing. We did all of this out of love. And we were super slow, taking time. We both made sure that there was consent. I know not everyone do this out of love but I feel my brother doesn’t know shit about “true love” and the thing about sex. I wish he gets his experience of true love and take things slow especially not with that douchebag attitude he’s having. I hate to see how he’s acting with my mom especially after when she covered his ass for sneaking out. I feel like telling my mom about my brother smoking pot, it kills me to hide shit form my mom but I don’t feel safe telling my mom. I’m scared that he’ll blackmail me with my sex life and my pills to my dad. And the few other times I had sex that my mo didn’t know about (I haven’t had sex since July becaus i felt guilty that I broke my promise to my mom and paranoid of getting pregnant). My mom told me today that she wants me to tell her if I know that he’s doing drugs or anything dangerous. Especially smoking weed. What kills me is hiding this from my mom (my bestest friend). I tell her everything especially when I told her I lost my virginity (she wasn’t happy about it but she’s over it). It would hurt her to know that I knew and didn’t tell her. If that happens, I hope she understands that I was scared. Ughh I don’t know what to do. I’m stressing out. I want to tell my mom but I will lose my trust with my brother, he’ll hate me, and my secrets will be exposed which will ruin my life and lose my trust with my parents, and I feel like I will lose everything. I’m thinking of just waiting until my brother gets caught, which might happen soon. He’s not sly and not a good liar, haha.