Help! Argument with my boyfriend

So last night was our 1 month together, we had really good sex and layed next to eachother, I was naked, he was In his boxers. The lights were off and it was so comforting. I love him so much. we layed like this for about 40 minutes until time came it was time for him to take me home. (the worst time) lol, so I get up and put my underwear on and try to give him a hug and he's just like nah I gotta get up early I gotta take you home. I get a lil upset, like what? And he continues and seem to get all sad saying it's okay you don't care about me, you only care about yourself. My jaw dropped.. I have anxiety so things people say stick to me. Now he's said this to me once before about the same scenario, it's just a joke he says to people when they are acting selfish, whatever. but it upset me before so why would he do it again? And I guess I misunderstood his sarcasm. so blah blah, I get dressed and we're driving to my house. I'm anxiously messing with my lanyard on my keys and takes it out of my hand and drops it on my lap. He notices im actually really hurt from what he said and tears start flowing, he pulls over and says hey, gimmie a kiss. I don't move. he says you don't want to? I shook my head no. but i should have kissed him :( he pulls back on the road and continues driving. It's quiet and awkward and my anxiety is eating me alive. I was legit afraid to say a word to him. we got in my driveway and he said goodnight, I sat there for like 3 minutes, he repeated goodnight. I said I'm sorry and he was like don't be I just don't understand, it was a joke, and i told him I didn't take it that way and now I feel bad for taking it the wrong way. I told him he hurt my feelings and he just said it didn't mean anything, it's just a joke he says to everyone blah blah. and i just didnt know what to say anymore and my anxiety got the best of me and I was about to burst into tears and i said sorry and got out of the car I told him to drive safe and i closed his door and balled my eyes out as he drove away. I wiped my eyes and walked in my house and in my room. I called him and we talked, for a bit I was explaining why it hurt my feelings, etc. he daid okay ill call you later I'm driving. so I messaged him again explaining it further and telling him I'm sorry. he said I just blow everything out of proportion, like it wasn't a big deal and i shouldn't have acted that way. he was annoyed and i asked him how I can make it better, he said to just let it go, i said i already have. and he just sent a diamond emoji, I said goodnight, sleep good xoxo. and he sent nothing after that, probably fell asleep. which is whatever. My question is, did I over react??? My period us due in 8 days, am I just over sensitive? he never said sorry it's a joke. we just need to get to know eachother even better I guess, he needs to know I don't understand some sarcasm especially when he acts like he's genuinely upset I love him and everything but who's in the wrong here? I just feel awful for everything.. I feel bad cuz he jokingly said I don't care about him that I'm selfish, I feel bad I took it the wrong way and upset him. I just want him to be okay and to know I care about him.. sorry this is so much, I just needed to include every detail. Thanks ladies.