Nosy parents

Leigh Ann • Just a girl trying to figure out the world :)

So I’m 17 and I’ve smoked weed and drank before. My mom found my friend’s bowl in my room a few months ago and she got really mad at me saying it was mine which it wasn’t. Anyways flash forwards to today, I was cleaning my closet and found my old bottle of liquor which was empty, a beer can, and seagrams bottle so I put it back in my closet. My dad came in my room and started looking around and then looked in my closet and saw them so he asked why I had them and where they came from so I told him that I found them in the woods and that I kept them. While I was at work him and my mom went into my room and took them plus another one of my friend’s pipes and the box that my vape came in. I got home and they literally interrogated me at the dining room table! I told them none of it was mine which was a lie only because I don’t want to be put 6 feet under. I get that they’re trying to protect me but I just wish they weren’t so uptight about everything. It’s annoying how all of my business has to be their too. Literally everyone else I know who does that kind of stuff (or worse) has parents who are just chill about it. I told them that I don’t smoke or drink even though it’s not true but I really just don’t have a good or open relationship with them and I never have either. It sucks that the only people I can really talk to are my friends or the people on this app. I say all the time to people that when I have kids and if they start drinking, smoking, or having sex I’m not going to be mad at them and I’m not going to badger them about it. I’d tell them that’s it’s okay to talk to me about anything that’s going on because I’ve been through it all before. I just want my parents to understand that I’m a teenage and a lot of us do these things and just because we do them doesn’t make us a bad person. I’m not looking for attention for this post or to be judged but I just want to know if anyone cal relate to what I’m feeling because it honesty just really sucks...