First pregnancy; age 20. Serious advice needed.

I found out I was pregnant on the 2nd November, 4 days before my period. I did 6 tests and they all came back positive. I'm 21 in a couple of weeks and he's 22. I had every single symptom and I just knew that I was pregnant. I've always loved babies/children and I've always wanted to be a mother. BUT, I started a new relationship in October and by the time I found out I was pregnant we had only been together a couple of weeks, (him being the biological father). It was completely unplanned and we used protection. This has put immense pressure and stress on the both of us to the point of me breaking up with him for space to think about a decision which has greatly upset him. He wants me to keep it, he claims that he's going to find his own place and get a job to support both of us but I just don't trust him, because he's lied to me about numerous things. He suffers from severe mental health problems and when he found out I was pregnant he was over the moon at first, then he said he couldn't handle the stress and told me he was self-harming.. which has stressed me out EVEN more, now I know I could be bringing a baby into a world with an unstable father. Then he told me he was lying about self-harming for attention? I can't help but think how immature he is, and if he can lie about something like that then what else could he lie about? I want my baby to have two parents who love each other, but the truth is I haven't known this guy long and I don't love him yet! He claims to love me and I just feel SO bad 😪 he's a nice guy but before I even found out I was pregnant I was beginning to dislike him, I was planning to end the relationship and move on. He's my best friends brother which makes the situation more awkward, I can't talk to her about it at all because she's already been sending me messages saying that I've pushed her brother away and this is his child and it's not fair etc. After he told some of his family, when I asked him not too. None of them are actually leaving me alone to make a decision. I don't even know if I want this baby. I have no job, neither does he as of yet and we both live with our parents. He gets way less money than me and I hardly get any to support myself atm, let alone a baby. But, I've been told benefits change once you have a baby etc. I'm in such a bad place right now, I'm currently 5 weeks pregnant. I've had to suddenly come off anti-depressants for anxiety/depression so it doesn't harm my baby and I think that's messing with my emotions a lot as well as the pregnancy hormones. My head is going round and round in circles. I can't sleep at night, I can't do anything other than think of this situation and the baby. I've booked in for an abortion in 2 weeks time but that's the last thing I want to do! I've never believed in them, but now I'm in this position I fully understand why some women chose to go down that route. It would be best for both of us right now to not bring a baby into this world, but it's not that easy to just get rid of it when it's inside you and you already love it so much, I want to see it grow and I want to know what it looks like, but I'm SO scared of what could happen. Should I give my ex another chance and see if he proves worthy? Should I move on without him and keep the baby? Would abortion be best for this situation? I honestly wish I knew the right answer. I had plans for my future such as college/university, getting a stable job and getting into a stable relationship before I even considered children and now this has happened. I feel like if I did decide to keep it, and he wasn't in the picture nobody else would want a relationship with me due to me having a baby. So I'd be completely alone with a baby. I've never felt so low in my entire life. I've distanced myself from my ex and his family so I can have time to myself just to think. My family have said if I keep it, I can't live here and they refuse to support me and they want nothing to do with the baby if it's related to him because they dislike him due to understandable reasons. Ugh. Has anyone else been in this situation? Please tell me I'm not alone?