HELP‼️ My Girlfriend’s Son, IDK what to do❌❌


I’m 34 weeks pregnant and living with my girlfriend and her 8 year old son who will be turning 9 in 3 months! This is my first pregnancy and I’ve had no mood swings or any symptoms so i know it’s not cause I’m pregnant that I’m feeling this way.

But he irritates the hell outta me and I feel like breaking up with her because of him. He’s 8 and doesn’t listen, constantly talks back, if it’s not his way it’s no way. She rarely ever spanks him and doesn’t know how to discipline him and if i discipline him she says I’m being to hard on him and I’m getting to that point where i just want nothing to do with him.

I don’t want him near my newborn i don’t want him smothering me or my newborn I can not deal with a child who doesn’t listen at all and constantly tries to reason with adults...

Yesterday he got mad he had to do math problems so he decided to write on the couch, she spanked him(the first time in 6 months) and then allowed him to play his video games play on his tablet and go to his friends house ....

It’s aggravating it’s annoying i hate it i can not stand it and i refuse to let my child grown and think it’s okay to act like that because it isn’t....

And i just think like damn i just wish it was the 3 of us and not her son which i know is a horrible thing to say but it’s just ridiculous! He just doesn’t listen and they don’t discipline him and he doesn’t know how to stay in a child’s place and is constantly running his mouth about everything that goes on in this house to any and every one...

He’s afraid to stay home alone for any short amount of time, can’t sit in the car alone for any short amount of time... and he’s disrespectful

I’m loosing it, I’m trying but I can only take so much

Is it wrong that i don’t want him at the hospital and i don’t want him holding or touching the baby when i get back, like i pray that my baby comes right before Christmas so we can send him to his grandma and he won’t come back till after break ...


He has never been left alone in a house or left alone in a car... the state we live in children ages 8-9 can stay home alone for up to 2 hrs .... because it seems that is the only part of this post a lot of you seem to read...

Her idea of disciplining last night more than 30 mins and then he gets to do w.e he wants ... things get taken away but given back in a matter of minutes and if i discipline him (I’ve never raised a hand on him) by taking his games away or no tv she calls me crewella or claims I’m chastising him....