In need of opinions please

Miranda • Mommy to five beauties 😘

So I’m in need of opinions! I have a full time job, been there 4 years. I got a new position and once that position started I’ve had to call out 8 times due to my herniated disk and baby sitting situation. Well I got the day care situated and my back hasn’t flared up since. Well I have 8 Write ups. 10 I get fired. There is a “fill in” option that gives me no benifits but I don’t need them. But I will not get my maturity leave which is only around 1200 in April if I drop down, and I will not be set to my job specifically I will be tossed around in the building using me as needed. My question is, should I wait awhile to drop down and see if anything happens? I have to call out tomorrow due to my son being sick so that will be #9. Or should I just go ahead and do it now? I get tuition reimbursement in December so I would do it after that