Afraid Husband May Hurt The Baby?


I apologize for the half-clickbait title but I promise, it does pertain. My husband is a notorious sleep talker/walker and usually it only happens when he's really stressed, which currently for the last few months, we've been (new job and baby). He's broken things like plates in the past because he'll wander in the kitchen and grab things off the counter. Tonight while I was finishing up dishes and pumping, our son was fussing a little in our room. I didn't think anything of it because he gets swaddled and normally passes back out in a couple of minutes. It must have disturbed my husband because I could hear him roll out of bed and just thought he went to check on him. A few minutes pass and I hear the baby start crying and my husband talking, but I could tell he was still asleep. I walk in and see him standing over the bassinet patting our son pretty harshly on the face, I guess trying to make "the noise" go away. I rush over, pick him up, and yank my husband onto the bed. I'm slightly shaken up now. What if I can't get to him one time and something happens to our son? If he drops him like the dishes- or worse? He's only 3 months old and I'm thinking about putting him in his own room now because he does sleep through the night, and so nothing like this ever happens. I don't know what to do. For right now I blocked off my side of the bed and my husband's obviously upset. Just at a loss for a permanent solution....