Husband annoyed with guy friends


Okay I have a question me and my husband are constantly bringing up this topic and today I got annoyed I have been in the army for 12 years I joined when I was 17 it’s the only job I ever had but i got out in January.. so most of my friends Okay I have a question me and my husband are constantly bringing up this topic and today I got annoyed I have been in the army for 12 years and got out in January.. so most of my friends before I met my husband are guys.. my best friend is a guy before I met my husband are guys.. my best friend is a guy and he sort of likes him but expresses to me he is uncomfortable because he feels my best friend knows me better. Now one of my other guy friends he is older like 45 and he calls all the time like if I dnt pick up he will keep calling.. my husband has answered a few times and my friend just starts a conversation with him but my husband is stand offish to me.. Now my husband said it is interfering with out relationship because he feels uncomfortable of how much my friend calls me .. my husband had a talk with him twice about it but he continues to call more than once a day.. He feels he is disrespecting him.. I don’t want to cut off my friend but I feel stuck between a rock and a hard place because when I was sick for months in the hospital before I met my husband my friend came to visit everyday and no there has never been anything sexual between me and my friend... My husband is my number one priority but I told my husband I have to have friends outside of him.. since I got out it’s hard relating to females..