My SO cracks me up - UPDATE #2


So I come home from work...

SO is like “Babe... something’s different about you..”

I’m like “Yeah, my hair is in a pony” (I hate ponytails so this is a rare occasion)

And he’s like “No... I don’t think that’s it. I mean you pull the pony off very well, but it’s something else...”

*few hours later* As we’re laying down, talking before he goes into work...

He’s like “Babe!!! I got it!!! I know why something is different about you. You’re pregnant.

I’m all like “Wait what? How do you know?”

(Maybe all the BD we’ve done so far? 😂)

He’s like “Because it just makes sense. I just know you’re pregnant.”

I know he really wants this. It’s our last month TTC until I finish my Masters Degree... so fingers crossed for us.

Good luck to all you other beautiful ladies who are TTC!

UPDATE: 11/22

Took this test on 11/21 @ 8dpo:

Fingers still crossed. I’d really like to get my BFP by tomorrow!!!

Well Thanksgiving came, tested with FMU, and negative on dollar store test.

So this morning @11dpo, I tested twice with the same 2ndMU.


Ugh. WHY😭