Stressed out when I should be so excited!


So I'll try to make this short and sweet, I'm being induced at 12 am Tuesday & o was originally supposed to be induced Monday at 5:30 pm. My mother (whole has assumed my whole pregnancy that she would be in the room when our first son is born) is mad and said I should have raised heck about them changing the time. I'm 4 cm dilated and she said they changed it so I wouldn't have the baby in the middle of the night and my doctor would have to be called in. So she proceeds to get mad since they didn't send me over to the hospital and is "worried" if my water breaks I won't be able to have time to get an epidural since I live 40 minutes away. Also, I've told her they are starting pitocin at 2 am and she said "if she misses the birth of her first grand baby she's going to lit in to my doctor" because she wants us to call her when I'm close to having him. I'm so stressed out I don't know how to tell her I don't want her in there because I've always wanted it to be just me and my husband but my mother holds grudges so bad and takes everything so personally. I'm so hurt that she hasn't even considered what I want. (I've told her I wanted it to just be me and my husband in the past) I just don't want that moment taken away from me and my husband! Idk what to do, I'm such a push over and it's going to kill me more than it is her if I tell her she can't be in there because I care too much about others feelings. Advice would be so nice because right now I'm so stressed and can't be excited about my little one coming!