I’m feeling reassured 🤞🏼


My last period was October 11, I’m not sure when i ovulated have a feeling it was late, and i don’t remember when we conceived bc we weren’t even trying anymore and i honestly can barely remember when we had sex 😭...been a tiring month 🙈

My first pregnancy i didn’t have fears like i do now, i never retested and things went fairly well. Skip to years later and 2 early miscarriages, this pregnancy is not as simple and carefree, but I’m getting reassurances daily. Symptoms still going strong, and retesting showing a progression that makes me hopeful that this is the one 😭.

Now the first response from today showed my positive test line even before the control and you can see it even pulled from the control! That has never happened before, i always had to wait minutes before positive came up. I made sure to not use first morning urine on both these days so i can see residual traces in the tests 🙏🏼🙏🏼. I’m ready for positive news Monday when i get my second hcg results. They were 40 on this past Monday and this is what the test looked like...

Safe to say we think HCG went up?!