

On Monday I was sent to labor and delivery form Work... all day I thought I was having Braxton Hicks off and on never really paid attention because I was moving around a lot (I am a cna) was told I was having real contractions and irritable contractions. Gave meds to stop.... this morning off and on feeling contraction nothing that hurts just a little uncomfortable at times in time of horrible acid reflux. Not sure which one I am having but don’t want to call my dr for every little thing... what are your thoughts

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Btw I am 27.1 weeks


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I just had this same thing happen to me. I also work in the medical field. I wasn’t paying attention much to contractions due to the fact I’m on my feet so much. I left work on Thursday to labor and delivery. I had suddenly swelled up and was having flashes in my vision. Turns out I have preeclampsia and those Braxton Hicks I thought I was having were really contractions coming every two minutes. I’m 31 weeks along. The only reason I was told to go back in is if: I start having intense nausea that leads to vomiting, the contractions continue to be very regular, my nurse said if they come and go I do not need to go in, I was also advised to make sure baby moves after snacks and something to drink.


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UNLESS YOUR GUT SAYS SOMETHINGS OFF!!! always trust your gut


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If they told you you were having contractions they should have given you a list of when to call or go in. Just stick to the list. Discharge papers should say something along the lines of "contractions this far apart, come in," "bed rest if you feel: ___ or ___ " just stick to what they told you before


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I would be calling my doc if I were you, (based on your previous visit and needing meds to stop the contractions)