
Hello ladies! I need to rant and I need some opinions. My boyfriend and I are 18 and going to community college as well as working part time jobs. Since we're going to community college we are still living with our parents which is no big deal. I love my boyfriend's family like my own, we've been together almost two years now and for the most part they treat me like family. His mom's side of the family isn't really in the picture because of things they've done to my boyfriend's dad and to my boyfriend personally. However, he has a step mom.

Ladies, I love this woman to death she's been amazing to me! She texts me and we talk about all kinds of stuff, my own mother isn't in the picture either so I bond with her really nicely! We've gone to see movies together because we love horror movies.

Now for the problem. Over the summer, my boyfriend requested to have every Sunday off work to catch up on school work as well as a chance for us to go on a date Sunday nights if both of us finished our homework. I work part time at a store that closes early - 6:00 - on Sundays if there are no customers in the store past then. We're not allowed to tell them to leave we just have to stay open. So the absolute EARLIEST I get off work is 6:30 after we close and clean the store. And after that I'm usually starving. Well, since BEGINNING OF AUGUST, we have planned all of our dates around Sundays. I'm never off on a Saturday and usually work 9 hours so I'm extremely tired when I get home at 10:00. And my boyfriend usually works until MIDNIGHT on Saturdays so we can't go out then. Same as with Fridays. So we just suck it up and only go on dates on Sundays unless our college is closed for a holiday or "research day" and we don't work. Which is very rare. Well we planned to go see a student-lead play FOR AN ENGLISH GRADE and a movie afterwards yesterday (Sunday). My boyfriend asked his step mom if we could go Saturday before he went to work and she threw a fit! I mean meltdown. He got off at 7:00 Saturday and I was called in not to work Saturday because the store was slow and didn't need four people working. That play was also at 7:30 Saturday night. She tried to get him to go Saturday instead of Sunday because "I just don't like you two going out on Sunday nights." (WE HAVE BEEN SINCE THE BEGINNING OF AUGUST AND SHE HAS NEVER SAID A WORD ABOUT IT!!) We could not go on Saturday night because my family was gone somewhere that night and my car needs the muffler replaced so I couldn't drive to meet up with my boyfriend, he had to come pick me up which he was fine with. By the time he got off work, picked up some food, picked me up, and drove to the college for the play, the doors would have been shut and we would not have been allowed inside (teachers make it very clear that once the doors are shut they stop taking tickets and refuse to let anyone inside). He tried to explain it to her and she just got mad and said that he didn't "value her opinion on when to go." WE LITERALLY COULD NOT HAVE GONE AND MADE IT ON TIME UNLESS HE DECIDED TO SPEED!

Well, fast forward to yesterday (Sunday) and he's getting ready to come pick me up. His dad's fine with us going out on Sundays as long as he's home around 11:00. Well, my boyfriend, his dad, and his step mom are all talking about my boyfriend's car since he has to pay insurance soon. They told him he could be a week late if he needed to be because he isn't getting as many hours as he was in the summer and he has to pay for gas and phone bill as well. Well he told them he had enough to pay everything on time this month and his step mom just explodes! Saying things like he didn't need to be going out if he's low on money (which I do agree with but again the play is for a grade!!). And saying that the only times he needs to be out of the house is for school and work (THAT PLAY WAS FOR AN ENGLISH GRADE!). Well his dad got pissed off and asked about when me and my boyfriend could see each other and she said "Only on Saturdays because Sundays are for homework and I highly doubt you're doing homework you're just going out with that girl and probably failing classes." Umm?? First off, he does his homework and is making all A's, secondly what's the difference between going out on a Saturday vs a Sunday? If he doesn't get off until midnight on Saturdays, then we either won't go out or we'll be out really late. Thirdly, she has NEVER had a problem with Sunday dates and has even encouraged them occasionally! And lastly, about the money issues, I was originally going to drive except we just found out Friday that I needed to have work done on my car. Oh, and I was paying for everything anyway. I was paying for our food and the movie after the play. I even offered my boyfriend gas money since I was supposed to be driving!

She's done stuff like this before but with my boyfriend's little brother (16). But we have been doing this since August so we don't understand the big deal?? Even his dad doesn't understand it! My boyfriend's going to talk to her about it tomorrow since he doesn't have to work after school and see what's going on. We haven't done anything wrong! We don't go partying/clubbing, we don't have sex, we don't lie about where we go, we don't sneak out, we don't do drugs, we just go on our little dates once a week and be happy! Am I crazy for thinking this is really wrong? My boyfriend's sick of it (she isn't the nicest to him all the time word wise, calls him names occasionally and so on) and is thinking about moving in with his grandparents (they aren't fond of his step mom either since she threatened to take his car away earlier in the year..the reason? He had a migraine and tried to sleep it off and she said he need to stop being so lazy or she'd take his car away. WHILE HIS GRANDPARENTS WERE IN THE ROOM WITH THEM). It's causing a big mess...but am I crazy for thinking this is seriously messed up? Opinions and advice would be appreciated!