Should I just leave it alone? (Long Story)

Should I just leave it alone? (Long Story)

So, I've liked this guy for a couple of years now. Our mom's are best friends because they've been working together for years, so him and I have basically grown up together. A couple of years ago, I couldn't remember the last time I had seen him. He works in the maintenance department where our mom's work, and I happened to score a summer job there that would have me working full time hours, but as a part time employee. Well, the first day I saw him (after maybe almost 10 years), my jaw DROPPED! I have never, in my life, been so attracted to someone... and everything about him just makes me melt. But, I kept it to myself. There was another girl there that liked him, and her friends were trying to hook her up with him. Long story short, he wasn't interested. His reasoning was; he just wasn't ready for a relationship.

So somehow, a rumor got out that I liked his friend, and he worked there as well. Sure, his friend was cool and everything. Sure he was cute... but, no lol. I let it go on, and I became good friends with his friend. Although neither of us were interested in each other, just because we were friends made the rumors a bit worse. So after that, everything just became awkward. Eventually, the friend got fired for something stupid... and I still managed to keep everything to myself.

So a few months pass, and out of the blue, he was dating someone. It was another girl that had worked part time with me in the summer, and of course, she was gorgeous. I left it alone because it wasn't any of my business... I was still working there, and she shows up. They took a walk, and came back maybe 15 minutes before lunch was over. I was super annoyed that day, but I continued to keep everything to myself. About a week later, I heard that they had split because she was still in love with her ex boyfriend...

Next summer rolls around, and none of the same girls came back. I pretty much avoided him as much as I could, only to make conversation with him every now and then when we'd cross paths there. After the summer time, his mom and I planned a trip to the bowling alley. We invited people, but at the end, it only ended up being him and I, our moms and his sister that went. We had so much fun, but reality set back in the next day. About a couple of months later, again, his mom and I planned another trip. This time, it was a hiking trip to the waterfalls down here where we live. We invited a few people, but they weren't able to make it. But he came, and another friend from work came, as well as his mom and I. Again, we had loads of fun. Conversations were made... then just like that, the weekend was over and reality set back in.

In the midst, there was a guy there at the job that REALLY liked me. I was unsure of what to do because I didn't feel the same way towards him. He kept inviting me over to his house and, like a dummie, I accepted.

While I was there, he was trying to kiss me and he happened to do it once. I was uncomfortable, and I let him know. He stopped trying to kiss me, but he just still didn't get the hint. Eventually, I started crying and told him to take me home, which he did. About a week later, he apologized and I agreed to hang out with him again. And again, same outcome. Then one day, my mom and I got into an argument, and he told me that I could stay over his place if I needed to. Hesitant, but I agreed and got my friend to take me over there. He knew how uncomfortable I was, and proceeded to try to sleep with me. And although I knew it was a horrible idea, I was upset. He wasn't the one that I really wanted, but I slept with him anyway out of loneliness. (Depression and loneliness can really do a number on you...) The next morning, I realized what I had done. I couldn't even look at him, and I told him to take me home. Although it was my fault that it happened, he knew how I felt about the guy that I liked. Then he proceeded to tell me this: He said that he tried to hook him and I up when I first started at the job, but he thought I had a boyfriend at the time. I was upset that he would keep that from me... but I didn't show it. I was just so uncomfortable at that point, and it all felt like a terrible mistake.

In January, I scored myself an actual full time job at a college. I only stayed there for three months before I got called in for a job at the previous job, where he works, but as a Leasing Consultant. I took the job. While I was working there, he would come up to the office every now and then. Whenever he had a question, he came straight to me (I guess because he knew me better than everyone else up there) ... it was nice, but then I left the job two months later because of some issues going on with the boss and I. I came back to the job at the college, and two months into it... I just couldn't keep how I felt to myself anymore.

I wrote him a letter. At first, it was just going to be one of those things that I could burn... but I just wanted to give it to him, and I did. His mom gave it to him for me.... but it was done... And I haven't heard from him. The letter basically stated how I felt about him, but it also said that I didn't expect for him to like me back or to do anything really. I can't make someone feel a certain way about me.

So now I'm faced with the want to text him or something and ask him if he wants to hang out and attempt to talk face to face.... or just face reality and accept that maybe, he's just not into me. What do you think I should do?