Couldn’t decide whether to laugh or glare

Mystic_Gemini • single mother by choice to an amazing little boy - 12/22/17

So, my grocery store has one of those “reserved for expectant mothers” parking spots. I’ve never used it but now at nearly 34 weeks I’m getting uncomfortable enough that I was considering it today.

When I got to the store the spot was empty but so was the regular one right next to it so I just took that. When I came out there was a car in the pregnancy spot (and plenty of other open spots too). I was feeling good that I left it for someone else. As I was loading my groceries into my car, a perfectly able-bodied, clearly not pregnant MAN comes out of the store, jumps in the car, and drives off.

I just wish I’d had the presence of mind to ask him when he was due. 😂