Dip in supply

Brittany • Mother of 2 boys( 6/11/08 and 7/4/17) DH had vasectomy, IVF fresh cycle #1 BFP November 2016, Baby born Independence Day 2017, can't wait for baby #3 in a few years! 👶🏽💙❤️💙❤️

I need some advice ladies! My son is 4 months old and I am exclusively breastfeeding him. My supply is taking a dip and I’m not sure why. I’m pumping on average 20 oz while I’m at work and breastfeeding only when I’m home with my baby. I’ve tried milky mama treats and that’s not helping at all anymore and I’m sick of wasting my money. My freezer stash is almost gone at this point. I’m also nursing in demand which is still on average ever 2-3 hours. Advice please!