I feel like I’m making myself think that.

Hey you guys I just need some advice. I ‘ve been with my boyfriend for six years and we’ve had our ups and downs but we’re happy and we always try to communicate with how we feel about stuff with one another. Now here is the little prologue to my situation. We had a math class together this semester. We found out on the first day that there was someone we knew in the class as well. We’re cool with her.

We’re not friends but we would ask her about stuff for class and all that. I like her you know, when I was having troubles with an ex of his she knew why I was iffy about her because she had problems with her too. Another thing I wanna add is before he and I started dating, I knew of girls he had crushes on because we hung out with the same group of friends in high school so this same girl (lets call her Haylee) was one he had a crush on. Fast forward again to now I’m not sure what Haylee is doing now I know she works because I’ve seen her before at a store but thats it.

After a couple of weeks of class going by, I found out that they talk because of him mentioning her and saying like “Oh yeah Haylee had troubles with that homework too” or “Haylee said that it was easy”. All of that. I had no problem I was cool you know. But then for some reason he would constantly mention her. Haylee was brought up in convos that didn’t involve her. I got fed up when I came in late to class one day and the first thing he tells me is “Did you know its Haylee’s birthday today?” And I literally looked at him like “What the fuck are you doing?”

Trying to keep it short, I told him how I felt that I was feeling uncomfortable because he mentions her too much and I’m curious to what they talk about since they talk so much. He said its just school work nothing more. But I’m still uneasy about it. He brought her up again when we were with my sister and she was telling us about a creepy customer that always comes in and he’s laughing. Then he mentions “Oh Haylee keeps telling me stories about customers that come up to her like that, wanna hear them?” My night kind of was ruined by that so J looked at him mad and said no. Am I just messing with myself or???