My boyfriends dad


So, I need opinions!

Ever since I moved in with my boyfriend (who lives with his dad), (his dad) thinks he has the right to tell me what to do. I’m 23, I’m an adult. Just because I’m home all day (because my purse was stolen/lost I lost all my info and my poor bf never really has the extra money to pay to get that stuff back, so I’m at home. His dad thinks he has the right to tell me to clean his house everyday. Like “oh why don’t you do something, like the dishes or the woodwork (this house is literally like all wood 💀) and shit like that. Like 1; this isn’t my damn house, yea I live here but I’m with your son and that’s it. It’s your house, you’re always fucking boasting how you own this shit yadda yadda yadda, you choose to stay out all damn night getting drunk and shit, that’s not my fault, I’m not here to clean your fucking house because you’re too damn lazy to. He literally bribes ppl with money to clean his house too. I do do the dishes, my bf does them too every now and then usually on the weekends when he’s off. But just a few weeks ago bfs dad finally did a load of dishes for THE FIST TIME THIS YEAR. I’m tired of being told what to do, and him threatening to kick us out because I’m tired of always being the one to be told to do the fucking dishes. Or whatever else. Like I’m not gunna be cleaning shit around here if no one else can fucking do anything! And he’s kicking us out because I rescued a kitten and he hates animals.

Like am I crazy to think that he has no right to be telling me to do shit like he owns me or what?!? I just can’t handle it anymore