Have you tried "re-lactating"? Did it work for you I'm desperate to know if it's possible.


So I breastfed my son exclusively for 2 months but I just couldn't handle the cluster feedings so I caved and pumped and gave him a bottle and slowly he has preferred the bottle over breast. I've done everything and bought every bottle to try to get him back to the breast but no luck so I'm pretty much exclusively pumping but I don't always pump enough and my milk has gone down, has anyone had any success bringing their milk back up to 25-30oz a day when they're down to less than 10oz a day? If I glue myself to the pump for a few days I notice it gets back up but how long do I have to stay glued to it before my body just keeps it up haaaaalppp 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

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