

My baby(5 months) is overall a happy baby but he also can be super fussy. I literally can’t do anything because he only wants me. I EBF him and also supplement with Nutramigen formula. I’m now weaning him(I’ve heard it was too early but it’s my decision) but I do still give him expressed milk because that’s what I want him to drink. I decided to wean early because he would not take the bottle at ALL and it was hard for me to even do simple things and even harder if he wouldn’t eat while with others. Also my boyfriend feels like he couldn’t bond with him because of our son being glued to me. Has anyone else’s s/o expresses this?? He will never let me put him down it seems like and cries within 5-7 min of being in the hands of someone else. My son also has eczema, alleged cow milk allergy and he’s super gassy 24/7. I get so sad and depressed because I feel like I’m doing something wrong as a parent, it’s my first child and I’m trying really hard but then I have outside opinions and people telling me that I’m spoiling him. My head feels like it’s going to explode. Most of my friends don’t have kids so I feel like I have no one to talk to.