Is finding out to soon a bad thing?


It's just me and my little secret so I'm hoping to find friends to talk to on here. In June I found out I was pregnant, I took the test the day before my missed period. It ended up being a chemical and I started bleeding a week later. The emotional rollercoaster of thinking I was and then wasn't was very sad. In July I was pregnant again, took the test again super early. My doctor immediately started trending my hcgs which did well for 2 weeks and then began to taper off and just go up by a 100 at a time. Eventually the pregnancy ended in a miscarriage and d and c. I found the entire thing (going for the lab test every other day for weeks, waiting to here back, listening to voicemails at work of my numbers) so completely stressful and overwhelming. I vowed to myself that if I were pregnant again I would wait at least a week to take the test and another week before I even called the doctor, because I felt the stress of losing it was not helping my situation or healthy for a pregnancy. Normally doctors won't see you for 8 weeks and mine both times saw me the day I found out and began testing.

Anyway I guess that all went out the window because I have a very particular sign that tells me I'm pregnant, I literally don't even need a test. So I ran out today and bought one because I couldn't stand feeling in limbo. Anyway it's very positive and my period is due in about 2 days according to glow. Why did I do this to myself, the anxiety it's now setting in. I don't know where to put my head because past experiences tell me this is not going to end well. Is it ok to wait a bit before I call the doctor? This could even end up being a chemical. Can I just be as healthy as I can take my vitamins and try to just relax and wait a week maybe 2 before I even call the dr? What is going to be is going to be I don't think all the test, labs ultrasound, do anything but cause stress. Torn :/