Who loves to create?


Lately I have been wondering who here loves to do something creative and fun?

I have been wanting to do lots and lots of creativity but don't have much to even get the items I want to get to do some crafty stuff of a diy (do it yourself) projects..

Today I thought of hoping to buy some legos cause I kind of wanted to make a storage shelf where I can finally put my stuff in and keep myself organized... it may take time but it still fun to do something craft than spending 1,000s of dollars to buy actual furniture..

If you think it's a good idea to create then buying the actual thing itself that's more money to spend give a 👍🏻 if not then 👎🏻

I love arts and crafts and a diy projects so that I don't need to spend money for things that's easy to build or easy to make with few items..