Kinda worried


So idk if it’s just me over thinking or what not but I have a doctors appointment dec 5 I’ll be 35 weeks and we are supposed to get a ultrasound sound for the baby weight and ect. Well last couple days I’ve been get out of the apartment and walking around stores. I get very light headed and dizzy and just don’t feel rite. I’ve been thinking bout calling my doctor but I just know she gonna tell me to go to the hospital and get checked out and they will tell me nothing wrong. Well today I got out and was walking around with my husband cause I thought it would be better to have someone to walk with me now. And we had to come home cause I felt so off. I also been trying to get her to move so I can feel her cause I didn’t feel her this morning when I woke up but I can lightly feel her move but not as strong as I usually can. Idk if it’s cause she in a spot now where I can barely feel her or if there something wrong..