40 weeks tomorrow

Lyndeana • Hey everyone! I`m 28, Due Nov 26th with our baby girl!! We TTC for over 2 years and had 2 miscarriages so little Braelyn Marie is our very special rainbow baby!!

I never imagined I’d make it to my due date... not sure why I just thought because my first was such a quick and simple delivery with induction that once it began happening it’d happen. At my appt at 39+1 I was 2 cm and 50% effaced. The doc was convinced it’d be happening soon. But we scheduled my induction for 41 weeks and 1 day. So no matter what in a week and 2 days my little girl will be here. I will be induced on Dec 4th. Idk why but I’m a little sad I may be having a December baby. I’ve had my mind set on November. But all I want is my healthy baby in my arms so however she gets here. We are very anxious to meet our rainbow princess