I miss him....

My cousin has always been like my brother to me. I don't think he see's me the same way anymore. He was always the cool, attractive, sporty, funny, smart, cool kid in school. All the girls liked him and he had tons of friends. I was the exact opposite. Fat, not very attractive, weird, sucked at school, not very bright, resting butch face, choir geek, unpopular loser. I was always picked on and excluded. I had a couple friends though. After we graduated he joined the Marines. I got married and have a poor, but decent life. We use to talk and it slowly got less and less. Well, I miss him so terribly, but now he doesn't even open my messages. He talks to my other jackass, drunk cousin, but not me. I really hurts my feelings gs and I just miss him so much. He was even in town about 2 weeks ago for a visit and no one told me and neither did he... 😞