
My "husband" & I, & I put it in quotes because we never got legally married, but we have been together 11 years, recently separated & found out we were expecting our 5th baby together after the fact. We are still living together with the exception of the weekends because he has moved on, but until I can afford to move (he won't help with any expenses) this is how it has to be. I am pregnant with our 5th baby, literally have no way out of the situation, & just have to sit back and watch as he comes & goes as he pleases & is sleeping around & dating other people. I have to be strong for our other kids, I hate that they have to witness him spiraling out of control. I am 22 weeks pregnant & he won't let me tell anyone, & jumps down my throat if I even mention anything to anyone. How is a person even supposed to function in an environment like this? I suppose I just needed to vent..... but some days this literally seems unbearable. 💔