Anyone else recently miscarry and had your own family tell others without permission?

Katie • 31, 💙 2-6-15, ❤️ 9-9-18, due 4-3-2021

I miscarried this week with our second child. I was supposed to be 7 1/2 weeks but only measured 5wk 3 days when I went in for an ultrasound on Wednesday 11/22 due to bleeding. I was told by the dr office that there was a chance it could still be a viable pregnancy if my ovulation was late. I had a follow up appointment this Friday to confirm that I had a complete miscarriage.

I told my immediate family (mother and sister) about this and asked for prayers on Wednesday and that it remain private. I made this very clear as I didn't want any phone calls/ texts from our large family. What does my mother do, share with her sister who proceeded to text message me this evening. I had to call her personally to ask her to keep this private.

I am infuriated with my own mother and she has lost my trust. I must say that she has not been officially diagnosed but I have a bachelors degree In counseling and I believe that she has borderline personality disorder with narcissistic tendencies.

She has not been supportive at all of me and has not given me any space by calling and texting multiple times a day. She told me to go to the Er so that they can somehow stop the miscarriage even when I was seeing a doctor the whole time. She even asked me if I saved any of the tissue that was coming out of me from the miscarriage. All I could think about was flushing my baby down the toilet while I was going through it...

I'm sorry for my rant. I need a place to write out my thoughts and frustrations. I still have a desire to expect my mom to act normal even though I need to accept that she never will. All I do is give and never get anything in return.

At this point it has been about 5 days of bleeding (lots of clots, passing tissue cramping and back pain in the begging) and the doctor said I will have my period soon. Going back to work tomorrow. I think I am going to see if my insurance pays for counseling so I can seek professional support.

No sure if anyone else has had someone they thought they trusted share the news without their consent. Thank you for reading...