Ever felt like you’re in a relationship with no purpose?

Prec • ✨Loving Mother of a handsome boy!✨ Strong believer in God🙌🏽 #girlpower💪🏽 #weruntheworld👭🌎 #taken💏 #brownbeauty #Queen👸🏽 #futureSurgTech👩🏽‍🎓👩🏽‍💻 ❤️❤️

Me and my bf have been dating for like 7 years now, only being solid for the last 3 years. We talk about marriage, then I get a good vibe and I’m all happy because come on, what girl doesn’t want to be a bride lol. Anyways now it’s like we don’t talk about it no more, I feel like I’m a burden or kind of wasting my time at times. We break up for a while then we be right back together only for things to start good then it’s like we’re stuck in the mud! I know for 1000 facts it’s not me! I just want to walk away but then again I don’t want to just give up but I’m ready for the next level.What should I do????