Early birth story 👶🏻🍼 **update**


Hey girls! It’s my first time posting anything but here goes.... So I went in for a routine checkup, 30 weeks

on Thursday and my blood pressure was high, the doctor took it again to see if it had lowered but it only got higher, 172/121. The doctor sent me to labor and delivery just to be safe and see if it could be lowered. My blood pressure did lower after they admitted me but then unexpectedly got higher, it would not lower so the doctor thought it was best to induce me. I got induced and after 4 hours I only had one contraction so the doctor decided to break my water to speed things along. I got the epidural and then the doctor broke my water. Just as she broke it, she felt something moved, turned out my little girl flipped herself around and was now feet first, then the doctor decided on an emergency c-section. Beautiful little Natalie was born at 5:06 on Friday morning at 30 weeks, weighing 2 pounds, 4 ounces!

She’s stable and will stay in the NICU but she is fighting! She had us scared for a while but she wanted to come out early!

**UPDATE** I know this might not be seen a lot but thank you to everyone! My little Natalie is 8 months old now! Time sure does fly by..💕