After depo period question. Finally regular? Long, but please read

💙Shadoe✨ • Just conceived our rainbow baby:) M/C in March 14 & chemical November 14... Going to marry the man of my dreams<3 After 14 months of trying finally got our BFP 8/7/15! Praying for a sticky baby🚼
It will be 1 year since I have been off depo June 4th. I have heard it can take a year or more to regulate an get pregnant after stopping. When I got off of depo I bled, for almost a month nearly straight, then the next month my periods were back to normal, same time and amount every month. Days 1-4 are always heavy to really heavy, and then it starts to ease up day 5, then I'm done. I never have spotting before, during or after. This is how they have stayed since. This month is different.... I started 4 days early. Day 1 was just spotting, only enough to need a panty liner. Day 2 was very light bleeding, but a little more than spotting. Day 3 and 4 back to spotting and using a panty liner. Tomorrow is Day 5, an I am waiting to see what it will be like. Could this be my body actually getting back to a normal ovulatory cycle after almost a year? Maybe this is how my periods are supposed to be, they have just been heavy due to the depo still being in my system? I took a pregnancy test to make sure i wasn't having a chemical pregnancy, and it was very negative ... Anyone had an experience like this? Or any thoughts?(learn more on Glow: