Teenager Out of Control!! HELP ME


I'm in dire need of help. I'm at my wits end!!

I'm graciously asking for advice from ONLY other parents or family members who have dealt with a situation similar to mine.

Here's some background. It's myself, SO & 15 month old son living with my 14 year old son who is completely out of control. We've been going through HELL with him for 1.5 year now. There are too many things to list, but here are the most recent situations.

-Stole my car

-Smokes weed

-Sneaks out bedroom window

-Steals from us

-Gets violent

-Ditching school (we are on the verge of getting a court summon for truancy)

-Failing every class at school.

Here's what I've done to address these issues:

-Taken him to have a mental health evaluation (1 year ago).


-Talked calmly

-Bribing & trying to make deals with him (ex. "You get good greats you get a new...")

-Signed him up for boxing lessons (something he had been wanting & we couldn't afford until recently)

-Had multiple meetings with the school staff.

I'm watching my child destroy his life & potentially his future & I don't know how to stop it. Not to mention the amount of stress it's causing in our home.

So here's my question... Should I send him away to a boarding/military school? Or what other options are out there.

Thank you for your help Glow community.. 🙏🏼