She's here ☺️💖

All the way through I was considered low risk and was suitable for a midwife run suite. Well ... from the first contraction until 28th Nov 9:34. I was in "labour" 55 hours 😕. I stayed at home for the most part and by the time I got to the hospital I was 7cm dialated.  I literally got to stay in the suite for a hour until my baby's heart rate took a dip. I got sent to the delivery suite for monitoring and 4 hours later after only gas and air I was still 7cm. I was exhausted after the 2 days of contractions so decided for the epidural for the home stretch as they was going to help move me along with some drugs which I don't remember the name lol I was in heaven then. Just sat... waiting for the moment. Until all the alarms start going off and 6 more midwifes storm in. Instant fear set in and I didn't have a clue what was happening. Her heart rate had dangerously dropped again and I started getting wheeled away. The look on my partner and mothers face I will never forget. They turned her round with the suction and then helped along with the forceps she was born. Omg she was beautiful! My boyfriend was in bits at the side of me as we are both first time parents and didn't know what to expect or what was going on but instantly fell in love. I lost 2 litres of blood. 
Looking back now it feels surreal. Like it never happened. I now understand what people ment by "you forget the pain" 
So i now know bein told your low risk means absolutely nothing as anthony can happen. 
This is Alyssa. 7lb 11oz. 
She is perfect.