Birthday dilemma


My 21st birthday is coming up and I'm just planning on spending it with my partner, his parents and mine. My partner has organised the whole thing and last night we called my parents to let them know what the plan was for my birthday. My father then proceeded to ask me if I was planning on inviting my sister which hadn't even crossed my mind as we don't have anything to do with each other due to the toxic nature of the relationship but he suggested inviting her and her family along because it would mean that I'm being the "bigger person" and that she would most likely decline the invitation so I would apparently have nothing to worry about. I responded by saying that it's not something I'm entirely comfortable with and that I'm not even sure that I would want her there, my parents then said that it's a subject that we will discuss more when we see each other next on Monday and then promptly tried to drop the subject. Since then I've been thinking a lot about it and while I feel like inviting her would just be opening old wounds up, I do miss her and I do sometimes feel saddened by the fact that we are both missing out on so much by not having anything to do each other.