I don't know what to do


I'm in tears, rocking my daughter. I've been here for almost 2 hours. she's exhausted. but won't goto or stay asleep. she will fall asleep on me but wake up by headbutting me, punching me, stretching and squirming her body like she wants to get away. she gets so aggressive. I'd never and have never hurt her. CIO doesn't work. the Dr said to try it. I did. she screamed at the top of her lungs for hours. My husband used to rock her for me when it got to this point. but he is working nights now. I'm at a loss and I want to give up. the doctor said to keep rocking & trying to put her to sleep because she needs to understand that she doesn't run the house. but I'm tired, and hungry. And exhausted. she wi kick off my arms, legs, stomach, chest until she either almost falls out of my lap or she almost hits her head on the wall.. I have absolutely no idea what to do anymore.