I need your input, ladies!

My brother was living in CA with his wife whom he's been with for 6 years and 4 year old daughter until about a month ago. 30 year old wife decided to play cougar and pounce on a 20 year old boy that has Southside tattooed on his left cheek, lives with his parents, doesn't go to school, makes a living by slinging drugs. My brother had traveled back down to his hometown in AZ. He was crushed, he cried, he drank, he did anything to get his mind off of his wife and to stop his longing for his daughter. About a week ago, I had created him a POF account to find him a rebound. Within a day, he had met a woman that he has been in constant contact with. I talked to him about it and he says she's just a rebound.. but his PDA, his questions of what to get her for Xmas, and few other things says otherwise. I fear my brother is not over his wife and he's starting to get serious with this new girl.. When reality hits and him stringing the new girl along for his selfish needs will only lead to heart break. I dont want to hurt the girl, his and her profile both said casual sex but it developed into something else. What should I say to him? or should I just let them be since it's none of my business?