career question! please read!

Ashley • Ashley and Channing; partners in crime forever and always 💕

So, I've always been an artsy type and I draw, I sing (ish), I color, and I write. I have also always LOVED getting my nails done and have always been SO JEALOUS of my nail technicians (who are usually beyond fab men and women, gosh I love them with their perfection) for their talent! I've recently discovered I could cut hair, and gained some confidence in learning new skills. I've recently had the opportunity to try my hand at acrylic nails, and I'm super excited. My mother, with all of her quirks, suggested I go to beauty school and be a professional. Should I do it? I'm planning on being a lawyer eventually but for right now, I have two kids and there's a lot going on and I want to be home for them and their dad more. Plus, there is decent money to be made in being a nail tech, not bank but still good money. Especially since my SO is the primary income anyways and anything I make would just be side money basically. Any idea what I should do? My SO said he'd pay for my schooling no matter what, (which, while grateful, upsets me because I feel like I'm useless and a financial burden that way) and I want some way to repay him, even if I don't become a big shot lawyer. Any suggestions on what I should do?

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