In the hospital...


Hooked up to all kinds of monitors and having a cervical check to make sure I am not dilated too much... all week I have had horrible back labor at night and last night preparing for a bath I noticed a few somewhat large drops of brown spotting. I called my dr today just to inform them and make sure I was ok and they sent me here... so I am resting in the bed, strapped to monitors and informed that my hospital does not deliver before 36 weeks... if I go into labor and they can’t stop it before Christmas I get sent an hour or two away, depending where they send me... so tired, haven’t slept much at all from all the night time labor pains. They put me in the exact same room I had my son in three years ago... and I forgot how much I hate hospital gowns... kind thoughts and prayers are appreciated that little miss stays put until The first week of January at least...