Feeling empty


I am recovering both mentally and physically from my second miscarriage in 6 months. Both being missed miscarriages at 8 weeks. My heart is in pieces. This miscarriage is by far worse than the first for many reasons. This ones was complicated by retained tissue and therefor infection 4 days after partial miscarriage. My body feels a mess, and emotionally i am beyond my capacity. I feel depressed, angry, and resentful. I strive for answers i likely wont get. My body and mind both feel empty. Our conception journey is almost 2 years long at this point, with fertility medication cycles being our hope . My heart wants children, and I’m beginning to think my body is incapable. My heart aches thinking of a third loss. I want to be okay, but i feel so emptying and inadequate that this miscarriage seems to be consuming me. I share partially for my own well being and partially so others know they aren’t alone. My we all ease each others hurt, even if just a little.