Night feeding question


I have been exclusively breastfeeding my baby who is 2 weeks and 5 days. She spent the first couple days in special care nursery where she was bottle feed breast milk as she would not latch. She has been breastfeeding successfully since her first day home with a nipple shield.

This week she has started cluster feeding (which I know is normal). however, she has had a few marathon sessions at night where I feel like she has been on my chest for 6 hours straight! In pure exhaustion, my husband and I decided to top off the tank with a bottle of EBM (about 1.5 ounces). After that she slept for 3+ hours. We repeated this last night and she slept for 4 hours, woke up and nursed, and slept for another 4 hour stretch.

I know I don't have a supply issue - when she is watching there is milk dripping from my nipples and when she detaches she has milk dribble out of her mouth ... so at night she is definitely getting milk from the breast. Just feeding in short and frequent bursts.

Is this normal? I'm anxious about continuing to give her bottles as I had hoped to wean her from the nipple shield. also I am concerned she will start to show a daytime preference for bottles over breast. any advice would be greatly appreciated!