rant !


so long story short ... I work 2 days out of the week and the other 5 days I stay home with my 9 month old son . And on the days I don't work my fiancé works. I tend to catch up on laundry and clean and take care of the apartment, and I usually try to do it before he gets home . because who wants to come home to unfinished laundry and an unclean home ? right ? but on the 2 days that I work ,I come home to dishes in the sink. unfolded laundry. our sons toys in the living room. like is it too much to ask for TWO DAYS out of the week to clean the kitchen, and do laundry if there is any. pick up our sons toys when he is done with them. And he got offended when I told him that I felt like he expected me to do the cleaning and laundry all of the time. well if I see that he hasn't folded the laundry that has been sitting there for like 2 days ... then I'm going to do it. I feel like I'm bitching but at the same time I don't feel like it's that hard to make things a team effort and help out with the cleaning sometimes. 😔😕