Help! first cycle after ectopic miscarriage

Brooke • 11 and 3 yr old boys💙 ectopic 11-24-17 and miscarriage 3-26-18 of my twin angels ❤️ my 🌈 girl finally came 4/29/19! My heart is complete

Please help! I had an ectopic miscarriage on 11-24-17 and had a shot of methotrexate that day in the er as well. But I wasn’t far along only about 5 weeks and a few days (luckily they caught it early bc I was in a lot of pain) anyways I bled from the 25-1st of dec. I had blood work for my hcg on Friday the 1st and it was already down to 62 and dr predicted it would be down to 5 or below by the beginning of the next week ( 4-5 of dec) but I haven’t had time to get my blood drawn since. They told me I didn’t have to wait to get pregnant again just until the bleeding stopped to prevent infection. I have been having sex from the 2nd up until yesterday about every other day. Now I usually ovulate late around CD 20-22 so I figured I’d start testing with OPK on CD 19 to see what my body is doing. Much to my surprise and confusion I have had hard positives everyday for the last 5 days. I’m not sure what’s going on, I was wondering if any of you ladies have had any similar experiences. I did take a pregnancy test and it’s a vvfl but it just doesn’t make sense could I really be pregnant already? Here’s a few pics..

my OPKs from Wednesday to today (Sunday night)

My 2 cheapie (which I don’t totally trust idk why) tests, top is with FMU which I saved that’s why it’s yellower/older looking and bottom is midday both taken within time frame.

I will obviously keep testing I have a few more pregnancy tests but I hate to waste them even tho I could poas all day haha but I was just trying to see if anyone could provide some insight maybe after a miscarriage having a prolonged LH surge or something. I guess it’s possible it’s left over hcg but highly unlikely. Not to mention I took the same brand test on the 1st and 9th and both came up very negative. I also have been extra emotional and hungry lol TIA. 😘