calling out for help


I've been with my boyfriend for almost a year and I am now 30 weeks I don't want to break up but this situation is ruining my happiness. I'm not sure if I need to get over my own Issues or what is going on.. about 4 months into our relationship I found a couple call logs from his ex.. (ex and best friend off and on for years) I told him this is not acceptable and I don't want to be with someone who needs to talk with someone else other than me.. he claimed it was just to chat up and see how each other was. I got over that issue and said if it ever happens again, I'm done. well fast toward to this weekend and I found out he friend Requested her and theyre now friends on Facebook I don't know if they talked but it's still big deal to me as I said he needs to cut all ties.. he deleted her and said he doesn't really know why he added her sometimes he just gets curious of people and it's nothing. If he wanted anyone else he wouldn't be with me and he loves our family of now 4. . I'm trying to get over it and think it was nothing but it's the same girl like I just don't understand.. I don't want to break up our family for our children's sake but it's messing with me really bad.. I need Guidance. do