I think they secretly hate me....


So me and my husband live with my in laws because they want us to live with them so we can save money but we have been using our money to buy our babies stuff because we are three months away from babies arrival and we are behind because his parents told us not to buy anything and that they would buy everything we put on our list but as of now it looks like it’s not going to happen and they keep asking us for money when we need it to buy the babies stuff-.-

So I have been openly saying that that’s what our money needs to go to. We buy our own food also but they eat it and ask us to buy their food but my husband is the only one that works. I don’t. He has enough money to pay for me and him but when they ask for money it takes away from that. His dad make like 6,000 dollars at the beginning of the month and 6,000 in the middle of the month my husband gets 200-250 a week. He pays for our food and his gas guzzler of a car my insurance and the baby stuff, it is so hard to buy everything we need when they ask for money every week when his dad only pays 600 for rent a month for a three bedroom house and don’t pay for anything else. I just wander where this money goes?.. anyway his parents told me what they were getting for my husband and they are getting gifts for everyone his sister and her girlfriend and distant family also . His mom said that they were going to buy my (unborn) daughter toys for Christmas, which is nice but she won’t be playing with toys for a while... anyway she told my husband in Spanish that she wasn’t going to buy me any gifts for Christmas because they bought food which is what they eat. The only thing they baught me was ice cream which I said thanks for but they didn’t have too. I just thought it would be nice if instead of buying toys for my daughter they could buy something she needs off of my registry and I would love and appreciate it. I am not concerned about toys for my daughter I am concerned about the things she needs. I just think it is rude that they are buying everything for everyone including my daughter which won’t be here till April 7th and my husband but not me. Like we asked them what they want and we are getting them a gift but idk I thought it kinda hurt because I’m always doing things for them and clean even though I’m pregnant,tired and sore. I do everything I can but now I just fake smile at them because they never include me in the conversation when that ask for money even though it is my husband working we are married and he says it is both of our money so why am I not included in this conversation? I get so pissed when they ask for money because they use it for pointless things even when they have money. They asked for money and when we gave them over $100 they called the bank to see how much they had over a thousand dollars so I was fuming! My husband was unable to get me stuff that I need for this pregnancy due to them wanting our money. Sorry I just needed a rant.