Am I️ being dramatic?

My boyfriend and I️ are ttc but we were both raised very differently. I️ was raised by my dad who has been a police officer for 21 years and his dad smokes weed regularly and in front of his siblings. Granted, I️ smoked as a teenager but I️ definitely do not anymore. He was talking to me about how one day our kids will be spending time at his parents house every day. I️ told him I️ wouldn’t be comfortable with them babysitting our child unsupervised because of the environment. His family smokes weed and cigarettes in the house, the house is filthy, and his mom gives his little sisters who are barely in high school alcohol. I️ts not that I don’t like his family or don’t trust them, I️ just would want the absolute safest and most serene environment for my kids to grow up in. Whil I️ would be okay with visiting his parents with my kids or them visiting us of course, I️ wouldn’t want to leave them there every day. My boyfriend got furious and started saying I’m disrespecting his family and that I️ think I’m better than he is, etc. We usually get past our arguments but he is very passionate about this one. I️t makes me want to not even be with him and certainly not have a baby. Am I️ crazy?