7 wks still not good with BF(help)


My baby is 7 wks and I am still practicing and learning. I feel shy when I see a young mom breast feed her baby without the need to pumping. I start givin my baby formula from the first day because I had no milk first. Then at week 2 I start doing both. I found it really hard to make him latch. I was letting him breastfeed for maybe two times a day and I then do 3 pumping and 2 formula. Now I want him to latch because it is easier for me when I go out of home, but he refuses and starts crying. He actually wants to feed from the bottle. It is not an issue for me to pump, but if I let him latch for one time a day and do pumping for the all remaining times. Is this considered breastfeeding? Will he get the benefit from the milk as if he directly drinks from my breast. I do prefer pumping because he drinks more from the bottle. It is 7 weeks and I'm still bad with BF!