

i came out to my friends as bisexual over the past week. the first person (let’s call her x) i told was super supportive, which gave me the confidence to tell my other close friends. this girl and i have been on/off friends for a while but i always end up trusting her.

so today we went out as a large group and one of my other friends took the piss out of another of my friends who is always teased about being lesbian (she isn’t interested in any boys right now) saying “at least x is interested in boys”. i got annoyed because i don’t think how you treat someone should be based on how many boys they’ve liked.

anyway, we got home and x started having a go at me for sticking up for my friend. she told me that i have no reason for being annoyed at her after she supported me being bi. it’s like she wants to use my sexuality as a get out of jail free card and it just hurts because this is the thing i was most scared about before coming out.

any advice would be amazing - doesn’t matter what it’s about x