Is this real love?


It’s been 9 months I haven’t seen him, and since then there wasn’t a single day I haven’t thought of him. I am 16, he is 19 and off to university. There are days that I simply miss to see his face, and other days that I break into tears for his absence. Even though I just have some tiny memories with him (eg. Eye contacts, slight smiles, etc.) and never had any kind of relationship with him, I feel in love with him and also as more days pass by without him, I really have a greater hope that he felt something for me as well (maybe that’s what makes it difficult to forget him). He was running a club at my school last year, that’s how i met him and how all those eye contacts had their chance. I’m just asking if this is real love because I know from my friends that they like someone for the most 4-5 months and then they are totally turned off and immediately like another guy. Oppose to them, i love him more and more every single day hoping that I will see him again in the future (I know that this will seem crazy but I even pray for him more than for myself, my family or my friends etc. to have a good health, be happy whatever happens and do well at the university). I really want his good more than to myself. Tell me what do you think this is. Am I crazy?