There’s so much in this photo....


I’m 37w2d, definitely feeling labor pains. It’s 4am and my hundredth time going to the bathroom and limping back to bed.

My little girl has cuddled up to her daddy and it melts my heart, but thats not the sweetest part.

You see that bracelet on the top left next to my little girl? I gave that to her today. You see I work with a lot of families in our communities and today one of those families came in and handed us a thank you basket for giving their children some gifts for the Holidays this year.

4 weeks ago ( the day before Thanksgiving) their 5 month old died in a daycare incident. They asked that we take the bracelets and a few prayer cards and think of their son as our guardian angel.

My daughter loved the bracelet but we put it away before bed, somehow she must have snuck it back, and has been cuddling with it.

I cannot imagine the pain this mother and her family are going through this Holiday season but I know my daughter is fulfilling their dream of having their son be our little angel.