Yeast infection?

Hello ladies, so 4 days ago, my vagina started feeling itchy and 2 days later it started burning when I peed (I assumed it was from scratching, I thought I might’ve cut myself ) so I thought it was a yeast infection and used to plain yogurt to help treat it since a friend of mine who has had it recommended it. I looked to see if there’s any cuts or anything not right happening but nothing seemed different. Where it hurt and burned was a bit red but that’s it. I didn’t have any weird discharge until today. The burning and itchiness has basically gone away (there’s a few itchiness here and there) but it’s not as bad. The discharge is a yellow/clear colour and the bit in my underwear is a bit thick. I wiped and it had a spotting of blood and it was clear and gooey which I’ve had before minus the blood. I’m planning on going to the doctor on Wednesday but does anyone know what is happening? I should be due for my period soon (1 week or 2). Thank you!