UPDATE: My baby needs your prayers...

Their_Mommy 💟 • Risingfromrockbottom.com Blog meant to help the suffering 💛

Prayer warriors! I’m asking for you all to send a prayer up for my little little.... the past two months he has been struggling with a double ear infection, and gunk in his lungs, on two separate occasions they placed my little guy on Amoxicillin and called it a day... he’d get better during those 10 days, then a few days after the antibiotics were done, he would start back with a yucky cough.... today he woke up with a fever, and over the course of the day, he just wasn’t hisself - then I noticed his breathing seemed labored, and had a bit of a wheeze to it, took him to the hospital and Dr says pneumonia... and he will be hospitalized....

So please, if you have a moment, please pray for my sweet baby!

& his 1st birthday is in about a week! 😩


Thank you ladies so much! I’m happy to report he is Home and resting, they’ve allowed us to continue treatment at home, they did tell us to monitor him closely because it’ll get worse before it gets better. Official diagnoses was RSV, Bronchiolitis and pneumonia in his right lung 😩

They’ve had to put him on oxygen 😩